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Quiet Space: 5 Apr 20

Quiet Space material for Palm Sunday 5.04.20

“The Way to Jerusalem” – reflections from Mark’s gospel Chapter 10.


Welcome to Quiet Space! You might like, as last week, to have a candle and matches ready plus a bible.

We say together: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever- present help in trouble.”

You may like to light a candle at this point.


You are invited to say or sing the Taizé chant several times:

“Ubi caritas et amor, ubi caritas, Deus ibi est”  (STF 783 Where there is charity and love, God is there.)


Prayer of the Evening: God and Father of all, as this day ends we offer up its hours in praise to you. As we take our rest, unite us by your Spirit, in praise of Christ our Lord, the Alpha and Omega, the First and Last, in whom we make our prayer. Amen. (Methodist Worship Book P. 18)


Read Mark 10: 32-45


“The Way to Jerusalem” (taken from a dramatic reading by Maureen Edwards)

Jesus went on his way to Jerusalem reminding his disciples that he would be condemned to death and handed over for political execution. They might destroy his body, but not his life, or the Kingdom already in their midst. The awful truth of what this journey would demand of them was beginning to dawn upon the disciples. They would be implicated, but defenceless, unless he would let them take over the organisation, as he had done when the five thousand were fed. Plenty then were ready to crown him King, if only he had stayed.

James and John decided to ask: could he not give them the power to act? Might they sit next to him in his kingdom? “Can you not see what is involved?” he asked. “In God’s conflict against the powers of evil, you will be like the Son of Man, servants of all, sharing the pain of the weak and defenceless, setting others free from all that enslaves.”


Silent reflection on the above passages and time for prayer for others and for ourselves.


We join in the Lord’s Prayer


You are invited to say or sing “I will sing the wondrous story” (STF 323, tune Hyfrydol or Calon Lân!)

I will sing the wondrous story

Of the Christ who died for me,

How he left the realms of glory

For the cross on Calvary:

Yes, I’ll sing the wondrous story

Of the Christ who died for me

Sing it with his saints in glory,

Gathered by the crystal sea.


I was lost; but Jesus found me,

Found the sheep that went astray,

Raised me up, and gently led me

Back into the narrow way:

Faint was I, and fears possessed me,

bruised was I from many a fall;

hope was gone, and shame distressed me;

but his love has pardoned all:


Days of darkness still come o’er me;

sorrow’s paths I often tread;

but the Saviour still is with me,

by his hand I’m safely led:

He will keep me till the river

Rolls its waters at my feet;

Then he’ll bear me safely over,

Where the loved ones I shall meet:


Closing Prayer:

Lord our God,

at the ending of this day,

and in the darkness and silence of this night,

cover us with healing and forgiveness,

that we may take our rest in peace;

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen (MWB P.24)


Let us bless the Lord

Thanks be to God


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