Quiet Space 26th July 2020
Stilling - Tess Ward
Praise to you for making rest part of the rhythm,
For knowing the sacredness of the stand-still,
And knowing my need to do nothing.
For at the heart of all the activity in the world lies the still point.
Contain any fears, as I shed my doing this day
And help me find the peace at centre.
Bible readings
In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength. Isaiah 30;15
Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while. Mark 6;31
Reflection – Mark Yaconelli
If we would stay close to our life in God, we all need retreat – some kind of withdrawal from our routines and hectic daily lives. The bible tells us that Jesus often withdrew to quiet and deserted places to pray. In many monastic communities bells are rung at various times throughout the day calling the members of the community to stop their activities, fall on their knees and pray. I’ve been on retreat at a monastery where I watched men in kitchens, in fields, in gift stores and libraries suddenly stop their work, fall to their knees and open their hearts to God. This ceasing of activity helps us gain perspective and keeps us in touch with the reality of God’s life within and around us. Stopping is Sabbath- keeping. God’s compassionate commandment frees us from our activity, so that we might receive and enjoy our life with God.
From Light to light by Rami Shapiro
As I am enveloped in God’s light,
So may I be a beacon of light
To those in search of light.
As I take shelter in God’s peace,
So may I offer the shelter of peace
To those in search of peace.
As I am embraced by the Presence,
So may I be present to others
With love, justice and compassion.
Blessed are You, Lord of Light,
Who shows me Your Way and accompanies me on my journey.
May I live the day’s unfolding
With compassion and foster faith in the One who is All.
The celtic wheel of the year, Tess Ward
Wonder, fear and longing, Mark Yaconelli
The Paraclete poetry anthology, Rami Shapiro