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Quiet Space: 23rd August 2020

Quiet Space  23rd August 2020


Welcome to Quiet Space - A meditation for late summer.


Take a moment to dim the lights and to sit still with your breathing in the silence.



Come ye thankful people come

Raise the song of Harvest-home:

All is safely gathered in,

Ere the winter storms begin;

God our Maker, doth provide

For our wants to be supplied



I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory about to be revealed to us.  For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God…  We know that the whole creation has been groaning in labour pains until now; and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly while we wait for adoption, the redemption of our bodies.  For in hope we were saved.  Now hope that is seen is not hope.  For who hopes for what is seen?  But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. (Romans 8:18-19, 22-25)




Meditation 1: Approaching the Equinox

As we approach the end of August and the month of September we begin to notice the approach of the equinox, ‘when day and night are of equal length all over the world.  It happens around September 21st and is opposite the spring equinox around March 21st.  Both are months of transformation when one season clearly moves into another.  There is thanksgiving for all the earth’s abundance but there is also a letting go of the summer…  The balance of the equinox celebrates the wholeness of light and shadow, the seen and unseen, the known and unknown, death and re-birth, creation and destruction.  Spiritually, if we are to make space for the new, we need to embrace rest and renewal, almost like brushing the fallen leaves of the soul to clear a path for what will come.  We plan to plant bulbs soon and keep them in the dark until they are nourished and ready to come up into the light later, changed and transformed by their time beneath the surface.’

(The Celtic Wheel of the Year, Tess Ward)




Meditation 2:

Not conscious

                that you have been seeking


                you come upon it

the village in the Welsh hills

                                dust free

                with no road out

but the one you came in by.


                                A bird chimes

                from a green tree

the hour that is no hour

                you know.  The river dawdles

to hold a mirror for you

where you may see yourself

                as you are, a traveller

                                with the moon’s halo

                above him, who has arrived

                after long journeying where he

                                began, catching this

                one truth by surprise

that there is everything to look forward to.


(Arrival by R S Thomas, Later Poems 1983, Copyright)



Creator God you gave us one life and dreams to fly,

Surround and sustain me where I lie down this night.

As the birds around me moult and cannot fly until new feathers come,

Be with me as I stop for awhile and shed my skin of the year.

And when I prepare to take off again,

Give me wisdom to know what to let fall and what to take with me.

Be with all I think of now who need your care.


Bring us comfort as we lie down to sleep.

Replenish me as I rest this night and make me ready to greet the day.



Sources: Tess Ward, The Celtic Wheel of the Year, Jim Cotter, Etched by Silence, R S Thomas, Later Poems, Lorraine Cavanagh, The Really Useful Meditation Book


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