Worship area
The main worship area or chapel dates back to 1811 and was built by a Wesleyan Methodist Congregation wanting a more central location in the city. It was extended and refurbished in the early C20th. For more historical information read this History Leaflet link.
The worship area (click on image above for a 3D view) is normally available during coffee bar opening hours for quiet reflection and prayer in the middle of a busy city centre. We sometimes provide art or music to help you slow down and relax.
Prayer Corner | Chancel Area |
The rates for hiring this room are on the understanding that it is an open space, open to all during coffee bar opening hours mentioned above. There are 185 chairs in the Worship Area and a few original pews that can also be used for seating. The maximum seating would be 250 in total.
We ask all Worship Area lettings to return the seating to the default layout at the end of their sessions. The default layout is shown in this link.
Other information about booking Wesley premises can be found here